Основные горячие клавиши Visual Studio Code

Логотип VSCode встроенный в клавиатуру

Горячи клавиши – это то что ускорит ваши рабочие процессы в десятки раз!
Узнать все горячие клавиши в VSCode можно в настройках горячих клавиш, которое вызывается ⌘K ⌘S


⇧⌘P, F1Палитра команд …
⌘PБыстро открыть, перейти к файлу…
⇧⌘NНовое окно/экземпляр
⌘WЗакрыть окно/экземпляр
⌘,Пользовательские настройки
⌘K ⌘SГорячие клавиши

Базовое редактирование

⌘XCut line (empty selection)
⌘CCopy line (empty selection)
⌥↓ / ⌥↑Move line down/up
⇧⌥↓ / ⇧⌥↑Copy line down/up
⇧⌘KDelete line
⌘Enter / ⇧⌘EnterInsert line below/above
⇧⌘\Jump to matching bracket
⌘] / ⌘[Indent/outdent line
Home / EndGo to beginning/end of line
⌘↑ / ⌘↓Go to beginning/end of file
⌃PgUp / ⌃PgDnScroll line up/down
⌘PgUp /⌘PgDnScroll page up/down
⌥⌘[ / ⌥⌘]Fold/unfold region
⌘K ⌘[ / ⌘K ⌘]Fold/unfold all subregions
⌘K ⌘0 / ⌘K ⌘JFold/unfold all regions
⌘K ⌘CAdd line comment
⌘K ⌘URemove line comment
⌘/Toggle line comment
⇧⌥AToggle block comment
⌥ZToggle word wrap

Мультикурсор и выделение

⌥ + clickInsert cursor
⌥⌘↑Insert cursor above
⌥⌘↓Insert cursor below
⌘UUndo last cursor operation
⇧⌥IInsert cursor at end of each line selected
⌘LSelect current line
⇧⌘LSelect all occurrences of current selection
⌘F2Select all occurrences of current word
⌃⇧⌘→ / ←Expand / shrink selection
⇧⌥ + drag mouseColumn (box) selection
⇧⌥⌘↑ / ↓Column (box) selection up/down
⇧⌥⌘← / →Column (box) selection left/right
⇧⌥⌘PgUpColumn (box) selection page up
⇧⌥⌘PgDnColumn (box) selection page down
⌘F Find ⌥⌘F Replace ⌘G / ⇧⌘G Find next/previous ⌥Enter Select all occurrences of Find match ⌘D Add selection to next Find match ⌘K ⌘D Move last selection to next Find match    

Редактирование расширенных языков

⌃Space, ⌘ITrigger suggestion
⇧⌘SpaceTrigger parameter hints
⇧⌥FFormat document
⌘K ⌘FFormat selection
F12Go to Definition
⌥F12Peek Definition
⌘K F12Open Definition to the side
⌘.Quick Fix
⇧F12Show References
F2Rename Symbol
⌘K ⌘XTrim trailing whitespace
⌘K MChange file language
⌘TShow all Symbols
⌃GGo to Line…
⌘PGo to File…
⇧⌘OGo to Symbol…
⇧⌘MShow Problems panel
F8 / ⇧F8Go to next/previous error or warning
⌃⇧TabNavigate editor group history
⌃- / ⌃⇧-Go back/forward
⌃⇧MToggle Tab moves focus

Управление редактором

⌘WClose editor
⌘K FClose folder
⌘\Split editor
⌘1 / ⌘2 / ⌘3Focus into 1st, 2nd, 3rd editor group
⌘K ⌘← / ⌘K ⌘→Focus into previous/next editor group
⌘K ⇧⌘← / ⌘K ⇧⌘→Move editor left/right
⌘K ← / ⌘K →Move active editor group
⌘N New File ⌘O Open File… ⌘S Save ⇧⌘S Save As… ⌥⌘S Save All ⌘W Close ⌘K ⌘W Close All    

Управление файлами

⇧⌘T Reopen closed editor ⌘K Enter Keep preview mode editor open ⌃Tab / ⌃⇧Tab Open next / previous ⌘K P Copy path of active file ⌘K R Reveal active file in Finder ⌘K O Show active file in new window/instance    


⌃⌘FToggle full screen
⌥⌘0Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical)
⌘= / ⇧⌘-Zoom in/out
⌘BToggle Sidebar visibility
⇧⌘EShow Explorer / Toggle focus
⇧⌘FShow Search
⌃⇧GShow Source Control
⇧⌘DShow Debug
⇧⌘XShow Extensions
⇧⌘HReplace in files
⇧⌘JToggle Search details
⇧⌘UShow Output panel
⇧⌘VOpen Markdown preview
⌘K VOpen Markdown preview to the side
⌘K ZZen Mode (Esc Esc to exit)


F9Toggle breakpoint
F11 / ⇧F11Step into/ out
F10Step over
⌘K ⌘IShow hover

Встроенный терминал

⌃`Show integrated terminal
⌃⇧`Create new terminal
⌘CCopy selection
⌘↑ / ↓Scroll up/down
PgUp / PgDnScroll page up/down
⌘Home / EndScroll to top/bottom
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